information in Emergencies
We make every effort to ensure the school remains open during term-time for pupils. However, on occasions circumstances may arise which can affect the school.
Schools may be affected by, for example, severe weather, power failures or through any other circumstances that may impact on the school day.
In such cases we shall do all we can to let you know if this happens. We shall keep you in touch by telephone, text, where appropriate, letters, web news and through local radio stations particularly if there are prolonged periods of severe weather.
The Council’s website will be used to let you know if the school is closed and when it will re-open.
It is important for parents/carers to let the school know of any change to your mobile/home telephone number and change of address.
If for any reason, you are unsure if the school is open, please contact the school via telephone or the website or Education Resources, Operations Service, Communications and Information, Almada Street, Hamilton. (Telephone 01698 454545) or email :
Severe Weather
What will happen if it becomes necessary to close the school early:
- Bus pupils will be told to go to designated areas within the school building and will not be released until we know the buses have arrived.
- Under no circumstances should bus pupils take it upon themselves to walk home. This is extremely dangerous at any time but particularly in difficult weather conditions.
- Members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) remain in school until all pupils are safely collected or appropriate arrangements made with parents. Pupils who know they will be unable to get into their own house or that of a friend, relative or emergency contact must report to SLT in the 'Street'.
- We would ask parents to ensure that their son / daughter know what they should do and where they should go in the event that the school is forced to close early due to bad weather. For bus pupils from outlying areas, this might include making arrangements to go home with a friend if the weather conditions prevent the bus driver being able to complete the normal route.
- It is not possible for the school to individually phone parents to advise of an early closure. However, a text message will be sent to all parents via our Groupcall system. We would be grateful if you would ensure we have an up to date mobile number for you otherwise a message will be sent to the home number.
- We understand that snow will always have its attractions to school pupils. However, all pupils should be aware that deliberately throwing snowballs at staff, visitors to the school, cars, buses or any part of the building is unacceptable behaviour. Pupils involved will have their parents contacted and further sanctions may also be applied.