Parent Council

What is it?

The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 replaced School Boards with Parent Councils.

Parent Councils support parental involvement in the work and life of the school, and provide parents with opportunities to express their views on their children's education and learning.

The Parent Council is a statutory body and has the right to information and advice on matters affecting their children's education. The school and the local education authority must consult with the Parent Council and take their views into account whenever decisions are taken on the education provided by the school.

The Parent Council is made up of a group of parents selected by members of the Parent Forum to represent all the parents of the children at a school. It can also include community members, staff members and pupils. The Parent Council must establish a constitution detailing its aims, purpose, membership and meetings.

All parents who have children attending a local authority school belong to the Parent Forum. Parents are automatically members. As members of the Parent Forum they will be asked their opinion by the Parent Council on issues relating to the school and the education provided.

Members of the Parent Forum will:

  • receive information about the school and its activities
  • decide how the parent representative body, the Parent Council is organised and how it operates
  • identify issues they want the Parent Council to work on in the school
  • be asked their opinion , by the parent Council, on issues relating to the school ands the education it provides.

If you would like to contact the Parent Council call 01555 663780 and leave your details with the school office.

