School Meals
Healthy eating is something that the school supports and a range of meals are available at lunchtime that meet the Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) (Scotland) Act 2007 and the Nutrient Requirements for Food and Drink in Schools (Scotland) Regulations 2008.
The secondary school menu includes a range of options available from breakfast, mid-morning and lunchtime.
- A range of meal deals for only £1.75 consisting of a selection of hot meals served with selection of soup or fruit pot or yoghurt or 500ml water
- A selection of snacks that are individually priced including panini, pizzini and freshly prepared baguettes and sandwiches with selection of fillings
- “Beat the Queue” pre-order service where children can choose their meal and pay for it in the morning for convenience and pick it up during lunch break avoiding queuing
- Special diets can be catered for by request.
Free School Meals
Children of parents who receive the following benefits are entitled to a free lunchtime meal for their child
Income Support, Universal Credit (where your take home pay is less than £610 per month), Job Seeker’s Allowance (income based), Employment and Support Allowance (income related), Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit (where your gross annual income does not exceed £6,900 as assessed by the HM Revenues and Customs), Child Tax Credit Only (where your gross annual income does not exceed £16,105 as assessed by the HM Revenues and Customs) or receive support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999. ( Please check current criteria with SLC website – there is auto enrolment)
If you are in receipt of Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction from us there is no need for you to apply online, we will use the information we hold to automatically award free school meals (P4 to S6) and/or school clothing grants (P1 to S6) to eligible families.
We would encourage parents of pupils who are in receipt of any of the above benefits to take up the opportunity of having a meal provided for their child when they are at school.
All secondary schools operate a cashless school meals system which protects the anonymity of pupils entitled to a free school meal.
Information and application forms for free school meals may be obtained from the school, Q&A Offices, Benefit & Revenues 01698 453371/453245/453244 or by contacting Education Resources, Council Offices, Almada Street, Hamilton, Tel 01698 454545.